The Rebirth Retreat

Rebirth your wildest dreams and bring them back to life!

This retreat will take you on a journey to gaining clarity on what exactly your wildest dreams are and enable you to create an action plan to start achieving those dreams!

What we will do!

Meditation and Mindfulness

We will start with an intuitive card pull and gain clarity around our intentions for the day. We will move into a visioning meditation and practice mindfulness with EFT Tapping.

Clarity Journaling

We will work through a variety of journal prompts that will also enable us to get clarity, but this time on our deepest desires and wildest dreams! Then we will create actionable steps to start our journey to receiving this life!

Healing and Embodiment

We will then move into a healing and embodiment session. Reiki and crystal healing will be shared individually and across the group as a whole. During and after the healing portion everyone is invited to embody everything we worked through with mindful movement!

Follow our journey.