Are you ready to start or scale your business through showing up authentically and aligned in order to create massive impact in your life and the lives of others?

Meat and Potatoes…

  • Showing Up Authentically in Your Business

    In this portion we will talk all things authentic by first finding who you are at your core and what your most authentic message is and what comes from the heart when you think or talk about your business.

  • Finding Your Aligned Client

    We have all heard of ideal client, but how about thinking of the aligned client. What does the client you want to reach feel like in your body. In this portion we will get abundantly clear on this feeling and person.

  • Creating Impact

    Not sure how to create impact or what creating impact actually means to you and your business? During this portion we will dive into how you specifically can make impact in your own unique, authentic and aligned way.

About Calli…

Calli has been a spiritual entrepreneur for over 13 years. She is also a mother to spunky 6 year old. By showing up with authenticity and alignment in her business, she has been able to create massive impact in her life and the lives of others.


Here is a bit of a preview of the course and what is all included! This is going to be an amazingly impactful experience and if you are feeling called, I strongly invite you to listen to that gut feeling and sign up!!

The layout…

  • This is a 3 part course that is held in my portal. You have access to the 3 modules and the 10 page pdf that accompanies the modules.

  • The spiritual woman and entrepreneur who is either starting a business or ready to scale their business to one of great impact.

  • This is a go at your own pace mini course. You can binge watch like netflix or watch one module a week to start implementing the steps slowly and overtime for sustainable change.

  • Schedule your Clarity Call | Business Strategy session here and we will go over your work in this course and the next steps to start growing or scale your business!