Rise Up




Healing at The Deepest Level to Empower Entreprenurial Wellness!

During this program we dive DEEP into healing the mind, body, and soul through a variety of holistic healing modalities. You will have access to me for 6 months. During that time we will meet 1:1 for 45 minutes, weekly. You will also receive Authentic Alignment Business Accelerator as well as unlimited Voxer support. Additionally, you will also receive my signature program, Healing Whole The Membership inside of Authentic Alignment Business Accelerator which includes weekly movement, mindset, nutrition and spirituality classes, 7 Steps to Intentional Journaling, as well as access to ALL of my special events.

We will begin the journey with a visioning where we will breakthrough barriers and prepare to receive all that is in your heart and mind. During this visioning, we will create a vision for your next 6 months, establish 3 main goals, and create an attainable action plan to get us there. Our program will end with another VIP Day where we will integrate and guide the rest of your journey with success, love and abundance.

Additional VIP Days can be added for an additional cost!


Creating a Life You Love

Why is this program different?

This program is different than any other container you have worked in or have seen because I HAVE BEEN THERE. Some days I still am there. I am here to walk the journey along side of you, not in front of or behind you. I am here to hold space for you, unapologetically and to guide you on your way to holding space for yourself. Over the last decade I have learned the tools that have worked for me to create massive healing, joy and ease in my life and business.

We are all a work in progress and will always be. I don’t claim to be “healed” but I am healing every single day. I am doing the work and I am ready to share that work with you. I have done the leg work. I know what works and what doesn’t for me. Together, we will use the tools I have worked through over the last decade and find what best fits your life and business goals.

This is not a one size fits all program. Together we will find your purpose and passions and create life long sustaining habits to enable you to achieve a life you love.

I am passionate about holding space. I am in love with your success. Together with your commitment and dedication to expansion, we will create the life you have been waiting for.

"If the dream is in you, it is for you." -Amber Lilyestrom


"If the dream is in you, it is for you." -Amber Lilyestrom 〰️

We CAN and SHOULD do it together!

I know what it feels like…

to be drained all of the time and not knowing who you are at your core.

Trust me I have been there. I was doing all the things and saying all the things but really I was accomplishing nothing because I had no flipping clue what my core values were and where I was heading on this journey. I just knew there was more.

to feel like you were made for more but weren’t sure where to start.

When I finally leaned into this moreness and not the idea of I am too BIG or too MUCH I really started to find myself and who I wanted to become. I wrote down how I wanted my daily life to look but more importantly I wrote down how I wanted it to feel. I have felt nothing but exactly what I envisioned every day for at least a little bit since the day I committed to radical change!

to feel lost, alone and broken and not see your dreams anywhere in site.

I was always the outsider dreaming big dreams and wanting more for my life. Until I wasn’t. Until I found my tribe. That is exactly what we are doing here. You will have ME your BIGGEST and LOUDEST cheerleader. The cheerleader I never knew I needed, and you will have a community of like-minded women to feel less alone, to do the healing work with and to know your dreams are in you which means they must come to life.

What is even better?

You have co-created a life that consists of MORE of what you love!

  • … your relationships have never felt so full and you don’t struggle to set boundaries with people, places and things… even yourself!

  • …your work is lighting you up and truly showing you the impact and importance of what you have to say and give to this world!

  • … I don’t think I need to say much here. Just feel it. Close your eyes and envision all you have ever dreamt of coming true. The life you have waited for. This is YOUR time to RISE UP!

It is 6 months from now and you are absolutely in LOVE with your life and business.

  • It is all full of ease and joy throughout each step of your day.

  • You have the aligned branding and marketing that feels great in your body and soul, in turn attracting the aligned clients.

  • You are constantly finding gratitude and joy in your days, which turns into amazing months and an even better year.

  • Your impacting lives in a massive way which is causing you to expand your income and ability to receive.

Picture this

You Rise Up to the level you know you were always meant for!

Welcome to Rise Up the 1:1 - 6 month life and business mentorship that changes EVERYTHING!

“THANK YOU so much for believing in me, I’ve learned so much from you. You’re helping me get stronger, but most importantly, you’ve helped me to believe in myself. You’re the BEST!!!!”


“The accountability you launched me with at the end of the year has renewed so many things in my life.”


“I am really grateful for all you have been doing to help me grow my business. Your advice is really resonating, and I would not be as far as I am if it weren’t for you. Thank you!”




Paid in Full

Weekly - 1:1 45 minute calls

  • valued at $2,664

Authentic Alignment Business Accelerator

  • valued at $3,300

Unlimited Voxer support from the hours of 8am-8pm

  • valued at $1,500

Unlimited teach and web support for the first 3 months

  • valued at $1,500

Unlimited social media management for the first 3 months

  • valued at $1,500


  • valued at $1,110


Six Month Payment Plan

Need to pay over time? Our 6 month payment plan may be just for you!


Twelve Month Payment Plan

Feeling the call but need a smaller monthly investment? Try our 12 month payment plan!

Who is this for?

If you are interested in making a massive shift in your life, then this program is for you. I specialize in holding space. I have trained under the very best in the industry as well as having done the work myself. If you are ready to take a wild journey with me then this is for you!