In the mountains of,

Indian Head, Pennsylvania

July 26th and 27th


    It all begins with an idea. If you have a DREAM for a business that you want to start or have already started and you want to watch it GROW, you have to remember one specific thing. It was GIFTED to you for a reason and it should come to LIFE through YOU!


    After you DREAM it, the time comes to BUILD it. I know first hand how scary and unsure it can be. BUT with the help of COMMUNITY and GUIDANCE from a mentor and your peers, it becomes a whole lot more easeful! We should not build it alone. We are better TOGETHER!

  • GROW

    Now that you have built the CLEAR idea and identity of your business, it is time to watch it GROW! With consistency and commitment to yourself and your business I am CONFIDENT that you will see massive shifts in not only your business but also your LIFE!

Who is this for?

Our retreat is designed for dynamic women in business who are driven to achieve massive growth, experience profound abundance, and make a significant impact in their personal and professional lives. This retreat is perfect for those who seek clarity in their business models and desire to build unwavering confidence in themselves and their future.

Join us for an immersive experience where you will:

  • Gain invaluable insights to refine and elevate your business model.

  • Cultivate a mindset of abundance, enabling you to attract and seize opportunities.

  • Strengthen your self-confidence, empowering you to take bold steps toward your goals.

  • Connect with like-minded women, fostering a supportive and inspiring community.

  • Participate in transformative workshops and activities tailored to your growth and success.

This retreat is your gateway to unlocking your full potential, embracing a future of limitless possibilities, and making a lasting impact in your life and business.

Come prepared to transform your vision into reality and step into the most empowered version of yourself.

What we will do?

  1. Vision Workshops: Begin with sessions where participants envision their ideal business and life. This can include setting goals, defining values, and clarifying their vision for both personal and professional growth.

  2. Step-by-Step Planning: Provide structured sessions to develop actionable plans. This could involve setting specific milestones, creating timelines, and identifying resources needed to achieve their goals.

  3. Spiritual Rituals: Incorporate rituals that symbolize new beginnings and letting go of the past. This will include meditation, intention setting ceremonies, and group activities focused on mindfulness and reflection.

  4. Networking and Support: Facilitate opportunities for networking and building a supportive community among the participants. This will be through group discussions, networking sessions, or informal gatherings.

  5. Follow-Up and Accountability: Develop a plan for ongoing support post-retreat, such as follow-up calls, accountability partnerships, or access to resources that continue to support their growth.

By combining these elements, we will create a transformative experience that helps you in your business not only to envision your dreams but also take concrete steps towards achieving them, while fostering a supportive and nurturing environment.

What’s included?

  • You will have the following meals provided!

    Breakfast Saturday morning!

    Lunch Saturday afternoon!

    Snacks throughout the day!

  • A community of likeminded women who are also working to achieve their greatest life and business dreams!

  • You will receive mentoring from not only me, someone who has 14 years of experience running a business in some way, shape or form, but also masterminding amongst your peers!

  • You will receive some special treats from me to help you grow on your journey!

How to get into the VIP night on the 26th!

Join Authentic Alignment Business Accelerator OR Rise Up!

YES! All of you who are in AABA or Rise Up will receive a special VIP evening! From 5-8PM we will network, mastermind, eat delicious food, come together in community, and receive specialized coaching and mentoring from ME!

Weekend Itinerary

What does the weekend look like for you? Check the sample itinerary here to see what the weekend will be like! This is only an example. The exact itinerary will be emailed out to all participants the week prior to the retreat!


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