One Step at a Time

After my father passed, I had a choice.
It took me a few weeks to figure it out that I did have a choice, but inevitably the download came, and I knew it.
I could freeze or I could keep taking life ONE STEP AT A TIME.
That’s just what I did. I kept taking one step at a time.
I prayed for guidance.
I talked to Spirit.
I got quiet.
And I listened.
The overwhelming sign was to keep going. Keep moving. One step at a time. One moment at a time.

One Step at a Time ~

One Step at a Time ~

More of what is on my mind about this...

That’s how I keep going when I have a choice to freeze or move forward. I take it one step at a time. One moment at a time. I keep going.

I know this is overwhelming and seems impossible at times. But if we can just take it a moment at a time, it takes the heaviness of the things away.

That’s what I’ll be talking about this Saturday April 27th at 11AM! How I reframe freeze mode and how I have consistently kept going in spite of everything seeming to be holding me back.

If you feel scared to start something new or pivot in your business or life, this may be for you.

We are going to be talking about real life experiences that can throw us into freeze mode and real life attainable and actionable steps to get us through.

The best part, this chat is completely free!

I know this is needed in my life now and I hope it’s helpful for your life as well!