You are already whole….

…and you know it!

It's time to reclaim your inner sense of self and prioritize self-care.

Healing Whole is your sacred online sanctuary, designed for the modern woman who recognizes the power within and craves time for her mind, body, and soul.

If you are a woman who is ready to stop making excuses, stop playing small and prioritize yourself and your best interest I invite you to keep reading!




What is Healing Whole The Membership?

Healing Whole is not just another membership; it's your pathway to total well-being. Here, we understand that life's demands can sometimes leave you feeling exhausted….but deep within, you are complete, and we're here to remind you of that.

What’s Included?

    • 3 workouts weekly -> live + recording

    • 1 yoga class weekly -> live + recording

    • 1 nutrition masterclass in the private community monthly

    • 4 juice recipes to start

    • 2 smoothie recipes to start

    • 1 fat coffee recipe to start

    • 4 whole food recipes and shopping list to start

    • 4 uploaded meditations monthly

    • 1 live energy healing monthly + recording

    • 7 steps to intentional journaling self study course

    • wake up excited the masterclass

    • summer solstice celebration

    • + ALL special events and masterclasses

it’s never too late to make a change. You’ve already done it in your life for the better. You can always do it again. You just need to brave enough to do it.
— ME





A little about Calli:

“My name is Calli Tony. I am an Intuitive Momma and Florida based Holistic Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer and Health and Wellness Expert with over 13 years of experience.”

Calli has worked with clients from all walks of life. She has an abundance of knowledge from mindful movement to whole food nutrition, spiritual healing and mindset practice. This assists her in creating a well-rounded and safe environment for all those who join her on this journey!

Her mission is to help mommas stop making excuses (kids, partners, family, friends) and stop playing small out of fear so that they can achieve their ultimate health and wellness goals and prioritize their happiness!

Where will this container take place?

  • We will meet Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday weekly.

  • We will be held in between calls by our sisters and by me in our private Facebook community.

  • All recorded content and complimentary material for the program will be housed in the application Simplero.

What you will gain…

This journey we take together will give you a solid understanding of your personal health and wellness goals and a sustainable and achievable way to reach them.

Imagine 1 year from now sitting with your sisters in this safe and loving container and saying “I DID IT, I hit my weight loss goal.” OR “I ran the marathon. OR “I got out of bed without hitting the snooze button.” OR “I reframed a thought today from one of fear to one of love.”

No goal is too big or too small in this container. Every goal is achievable with the help of my expertise and a community of like minded women!

Heather P.

I am forever grateful for the guidance, patient and downright love Calli has shown me over this past year so far. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me and the successes I will experience.

Paula W.

I am so proud of myself. I did my 30 minutes and did better than Thursday, I can’t remember how many laps I did. I tried to get pictures of everything. THANK YOU so much for bedeviling in me, I’ve learned so much from you. You’re helping me to get stronger, ut most importantly, you’ve helped me to believe in myself. You’re the BEST!!!!

What clients are saying about me! ^^^

Healing Whole The Membership

Founders Rate - $167 a month for 12 months = LIFETIME ACCESS

Healing Whole The Upgrade

Want all the above plus 4 additional 1:1 sessions monthly along with daily Voxer coaching?

The Upgrade is for you!

Click the link below to check the details.

We are waiting for you.

Still not sure which program is best for you? Set Up A Clarity Call with Calli!