Confident and Clear

How to create a sustainable business model that leaves you feeling confident and clear in your business and its offerings!


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Energy is everything!

  • Are you wanting to create a business model and offers that feel amazing in your body but there is a block?

  • Do you not know what your aligned client is or how to find them?

  • Are you craving more impact and income in your life and know like you know you were made for more?

Confident and Clear


Confident and Clear -

Did you know:

Your don’t have to…

struggle to find an offer that feels good in your body, mind and soul.

You can…

and should create and attract with ease.

Your joyful energy…

is vital to making all of this a beautiful reality.

A little about Calli:

“My name is Calli Tony. I am a Mental Health Momma and Florida based business owner who focuses on business strategy for spiritual entrepreneurs and holistic health coaching and healing. I have over 13 years of experience in the industry, and I could not be any luckier to do what I love daily.”

Calli has worked with clients from all walks of life in many capacities. She has an abundance of knowledge from her many years of successfully running her own health and wellness business. This paired with her love of holistic health assists her in creating a well-rounded and safe environment for all those who join her on this journey!

You will leave with


You will leave with |

  • to create a business model that feels really dang good in your body and attracts with ease!

  • of the importance of energy in your offer and how to create one that feels abundantly fulfilling and excites you.

  • of how to attract your your aligned client with authentic offerings that are sustainable and create growth in your business.

What people are saying about working with me:

  • If anyone is on the fence...take the leap!! I am so glad I did!!

  • Thank you! The accountability you launched me with at the end of the year has renewed so many things in my life.

  • I am forever grateful for the guidance, patient and downright love Calli has shown me over this past year so far. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me and the successes I will experience.

  • In just the first week of working with Calli, I feel more focused and capable of reaching my goals. I feel calmer, stronger and more settled. I am so excited to be doing this work and to be supported in the kind and helpful ways she has done so far!

Logisitcs -

Logisitcs -

This live masterclass will take place via Zoom. You will receive a recording of the replay within 24 hours of the masterclass taking place.

Those who sign up and share what they gained from the replays will have a chance to win a TON of FREE giveaways!