How I had the courage to pivot.

When I transitioned from specifically health coaching into being a Holistic Life and Business Strategist, I won’t say I wasn’t scared. Because honestly, I was.

I thought who am I and what do I know about this whole business thing.

BUT, I had a feeling, deep in my gut that this is what I was meant to be sharing. And more so sharing in my most authentic form!

I trusted my intuition and the dream that lived inside of me, and I let Universe take the lead and guide me to building and shifting this business.

I also looked at the facts. I had been running a business at that point, for 13 years. Always in some capacity. I actually did know how to start and scale a business that I genuinely enjoyed. I also knew what I didn’t want to do anymore in my business. I knew what led to burnout and overwhelm. I knew how not to be consistent, but I ALSO knew the other side of those things.

I knew what worked for me. What got me from needing long breaks in my business and constantly starting over to one of no more burn out and consistency daily!

I also knew the strategic steps I took to build a business model that puts LIFE FIRST, so you can truly enjoy this life we have been gifted!

Lastly, I knew how to energetically align myself to receive aligned people, places, things and opportunities I wanted more of in my life.

So, who was I to share about business?

I was ME and that was pretty damn good!

I encourage you, if you have a dream for a business or a shift in your current business model, to take the chance! Take the leap! You might not know the first step but take it anyway. Learn and grow as you go!

Amazing things lie outside of your comfort zone! I promise you that! It’s ok to be scared. But don’t stay there. Because we have one life and tomorrow isn’t promised!

So get out there and do the damn thing! And if you need a community to do it with, we are here and we are waiting for YOU! ❤️


What I am is this.


How I got consistent.